Gaming Tests: Chernobylite

Despite the advent of recent TV shows like Chernobyl, recreating the situation revolving around the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the concept of nuclear fallout and the town of Pripyat have been popular settings for a number of games – mostly first person shooters. Chernobylite is an indie title that plays on a science-fiction survival horror experience and uses a 3D-scanned recreation of the real Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. It involves challenging combat, a mix of free exploration with crafting and non-linear story telling. While still in early access, it is already picking up plenty of awards.

I picked up Chernobylite while still in early access, and was impressed by its in-game benchmark, showcasing complex building structure with plenty of trees and structures where aliasing becomes important. The in-game benchmark is an on-rails experience through the scenery, covering both indoor and outdoor scenes – it ends up being very CPU limited in the way it is designed. We have taken an offline version of Chernobylite to use in our tests, and we are testing the following settings combinations:

  • 360p Low, 1440p Low, 4K Low, 1080p Max

We do as many runs within 10 minutes per resolution/setting combination, and then take averages.

AnandTech Low Resolution
Low Quality
Medium Resolution
Low Quality
High Resolution
Low Quality
Medium Resolution
Max Quality
Average FPS

All of our benchmark results can also be found in our benchmark engine, Bench.

CPU Tests: Synthetic and SPEC Gaming Tests: Civilization 6
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  • schujj07 - Friday, January 22, 2021 - link

    A stock 3700X has a total package power of 88W and the 212 EVO is a 150W TDP cooler. Whereas the included Wraith Prism cooler with the 3700X is a 125W TDP cooler. One would expect that the larger capacity cooler with the larger fan would be quieter.
  • vegemeister - Friday, January 22, 2021 - link

    Heat transfer does not work that way.

    ΔT = P * R

    where T is temperature (K), P is power (W), and R is thermal resistance (K/W).

    Unless the temperature rise is known the only thing "150W cooler" tells you is that the heat pipes won't dry out at 150W with reasonable ambient temperature. (That's a thing that can happen. It's not permanent damage, but it does mean R gets a lot bigger.)

    The fact is the Wraith Prism is the same 92mm downdraft cooler AMD has been shipping with their CPUs since the Phenom II 965.
  • Spunjji - Friday, January 22, 2021 - link

    The Wraith Prisms are fine - the one that comes with the low-end ryzens (and I think now the 5600) aren't so great for noise, but they do let the CPU come within 95% of its peak performance, so not bad for a freebie.
  • alufan - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - link

    Am not seeing the point of this article is 65w an option and then you blatantly ignore the actual TDP stated and produce a test, for the test to be a fair comparison all the chips should be limited to actual power stated and then run through any Benchmarks, its like saying we are testing CPUs at 125w and including the LN2 FX AMD chip and seeing how much power you can actually run through it, running these chips like this constantly will degrade them and eat up a considerable amount of power that you dont need to use.
    Then again I should be surprised, yet again 12 articles on the front page regarding Intel 3 regarding AMD guess Intels media budget is bigger hmm
  • DominionSeraph - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - link

    It's AMD CPUs that degrade at stock clocks. Intel will run for decades even with moderate overclocks.
  • bji - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - link

    AMD CPUs do not "degrade" at stock clocks or overclocks.
  • DominionSeraph - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - link

    Their Turbo is literally built around it. It will lower clocks as the chip degrades. The degradation is all over Reddit. I'm surprised no tech site has followed up on the scandal.
  • bigboxes - Thursday, January 21, 2021 - link

    I'm surprised there aren't more trolling like you
  • Spunjji - Friday, January 22, 2021 - link

    I'm not.

    I just spent a bit of time on Google and the majority of the results are people saying "I heard this, is it true?" - the rest are people talking about how they ran their chip way outside spec (significant overvoltage, overclock *and* high temperatures) and can no longer get the same overclock out of it.

    Take your FUD and cram it. 🥰
  • Spunjji - Friday, January 22, 2021 - link

    It took me less than 15 minutes to confirm that this is a lie.

    Incidentally, the only CPUs I've ever had "degradation" problems with were all Sandy Bridge - 2 i3s, one i5 and one i7. Only one of them was ever overclocked. They started to show strange issues after 3-5 years - stuff like frame-rate inconsistency in games, graphics artefacts, random crashes.

    I've never gone around slamming Intel, though, because sometimes you just get a bad chip. It happens.

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