Real World File Copy Testing:

While IxChariot is good for measuring some characteristics of performance, we also performed some additional tests. First, a series of files totaling 6GB was transferred and timed over each of the device pairs. The numbers here reflect real world data transfers. We skipped the "ideal" 5 feet scenario this time as that didn't seem to be very important.

The interesting thing is that even though the Ixia Endpoint testing showed the WUSB600N performing much faster during the theoretical benchmark tests, here in the file copy test it only just outperforms the 3DHD device. Both of the leading devices at the one room testing range are transfering data at what equates to 83 Mbps. At location three, full house testing, we see some clear results. While the NETGEAR 3DHD pair is boasting around 69 Mbps, the other two devices have slowed to 32 Mbps.

File Copy Test - 6GB

5GHz Coexistence:

NETGEAR is marketing the 3DHD as a solution that can be added to existing wireless networks. Since the majority of wireless networks are based on the 2.4GHz range and this device operates on the 5GHz spectrum, the NETGEAR devices should not impact the existing 2.4GHz network. However, some users are utilizing 5GHz wireless routers already. Testing was performed to see if the performance of the NETGEAR 3DHD was impacted when using other 5GHz network devices at the same time.

5GHz Coexistence Comparison - Downlink

5GHz Coexistence Comparison - Uplink

In both the downlink and uplink tests, comparing when other 5GHz devices are present and when they are not present, there is minimal variation. This minimal impact may be due in part to the spacial beamforming features of the 4x4 MIMO technology that NETGEAR has implemented.

Throughput Characteristics 1080p and Blu-ray Content Streaming
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  • ganeshts - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    The problem with powerline adapters is that it is not easy to guarantee QoS. Imagine watching a movie streamed over powerline, and suddenly, someone switches on the hair dryer or a fluoroscent bulb. The throughput goes kaput. Depending on the powerline adapter, it can recover, but the time taken is too long to guarantee real time HD video streaming.

    That said, we also run powerline reviews concurrently. So, look out for our Ixia Chariot tests on those. (The Netgear 500 Mbps kit is up next, but it will be reviewed sometime next month).
  • beginner99 - Saturday, February 26, 2011 - link

    I use the wusbn600 from the test with my wdtv live and it works fine for me. But I don't stream bluray quality stuff.
    This might be useful if you have multiple devices like a wdtv, an xbox, maybe soemthing else in your living room.
  • astroidea - Saturday, February 26, 2011 - link

    Does this enable remote desktop gaming? 80MB/s is incredible.
    It would be awesome to play Crysis on my $100 used laptop from ebay via RDP.
  • JarredWalton - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    80Mb != 80MB. It's actually 10MB/s. As a comparison, uncompressed each frame of a 1366x768 display would be 4MB. Of course, with highly compressed JPG images, it would be down to around 75KB per frame, so you could potentially do 1366x768 (or 1280x720) over a 10MB/s connection.

    As an interesting corollary, OnLive! is doing something like this with remote servers. I think they're sending 720p (probably at 30FPS) and the bandwidth requirement is under 1MB/s. The games sort of look like crap (low to medium at best details), but it's better than not running at all on older Intel IGPs.
  • yottabit - Saturday, February 26, 2011 - link

    "I encoutnered only one instance during an exceptionally detailed and scene with a lot of movement where the video playback stuttered."

  • Conficio - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    If I spend any money today on network gear I'd like to know if it is IP v6 capable.

    And at this price point, I think it would have been wise to actually include Gigabit ports, because it does increase its utility. Because stable throughput is a good thing not only for Video streaming, but for all sorts of network bridging.
  • ol1bit - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    I use powerline adapters for my 2 story 2500 foot house and could not be happier!

    What this review needs to to compare tech, powerline versus 3DHD wireless.
  • ganeshts - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    Great :) Nice to see a powerline success story. But, do you stream HD videos across? Is the throughput sustained? We will be using Ixia Chariot in our future powerline reviews.
  • GTVic - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    I just bought two Netgear WNR3500L v2 Rangemax routers to accomplish exactly this. They look identical to these. Would be nice to know what the difference is. The price on these has dropped below $100 depending on the discount so you can save quite a bit (Newegg WNR3500L = $70 x 2 = $140 vs. $215 for this package).
  • GTVic - Sunday, February 27, 2011 - link

    By "price on these" I meant the WNR3500L units. Also the WNR3500L have gigabit ports so I use one as my main switch/firewall and the other for my home theatre components.

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