Performance vs. Transfer Size

ATTO is a useful tool for quickly benchmarking performance across various transfer sizes. You can get the complete data set in Bench. Similar to the RevoDrive 350, the Phoenix Blade doesn't scale that well at small transfer sizes, but at 128KB and larger it offers the best throughput by exceeding 2GB/s at the largest IO sizes. 

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  • Supercell99 - Sunday, December 14, 2014 - link

    Someone makes this now. Just saw a review recently, can't remember where. Very fast, but absurdly expensive. If Samsung or Intel got behind something like this and put out a design that could be easily mfg with commodity ECC ram, then the adoption rate would be high. Shops that need high file I/O, such as big data or database applications would benefit from a batt backed RAM disk card.
  • gammaray - Monday, December 15, 2014 - link

    why pay 700$ for this when i can grab samsung 850 pro for half?

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