The Test

On a brief note, since last month’s R9 Fury X review, AMD has reunified their driver base. Catalyst 15.7, released on Wednesday, extends the latest branch of AMD’s drivers to the 200 series and earlier, bringing with it all of the optimizations and features that for the past few weeks have been limited to the R9 Fury series and the 300 series.

As a result we’ve gone back and updated our results for all of the AMD cards featured in this review. Compared to the R9 Fury series launch driver, the performance and behavior of the R9 Fury series has not changed, nor were we expecting it to. Meanwhile AMD’s existing 200/8000/7000 series GCN cards have seen a smattering of performance improvements that are reflected in our results.

CPU: Intel Core i7-4960X @ 4.2GHz
Motherboard: ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
Power Supply: Corsair AX1200i
Hard Disk: Samsung SSD 840 EVO (750GB)
Memory: G.Skill RipjawZ DDR3-1866 4 x 8GB (9-10-9-26)
Case: NZXT Phantom 630 Windowed Edition
Monitor: Asus PQ321
Video Cards: AMD Radeon R9 Fury X
AMD Radeon R9 290X
AMD Radeon R9 285
AMD Radeon HD 7970
Sapphire Tri-X R9 Fury OC
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
Video Drivers: NVIDIA Release 352.90 Beta
AMD Catalyst Cat 15.7
OS: Windows 8.1 Pro
Meet The ASUS STRIX R9 Fury Battlefield 4
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  • darckhart - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    Only that one of the benefits of HBM was ... wait for it... right on the same package! No need for 12" cards with all your power delivery components far away due to gddr5 needing soo much space. There's even that famous photo of Jen Hsun holding a ridiculously SHORT video card showing off HBM. AMD can't get its heat and power numbers under control hence it needs the big hsf for air cooling? And gosh the fully enabled fiji *needs* water cooling? Just because all other current video cards are always 10-12" is not a legitimate reason to make the cards just as long.
  • Asomething - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    Dont know how you came to that conclusion but ok, the card doesnt need the massive heatsinks to keep itself cool, it uses the same amount of power as an overclocked 290x which did come in shorter 2 fan cards, its just aib's are going over the top for what is literally a premium card, asus needed an excuse to use their dcu3 cooler and this is a pretty good debut. these cards take a lot of engineering to get right, sapphire always use reference pcb's and have the cooler overhang, gigabyte always do it on shorter cards too (i have one of their windforce 3x 270x's and its just so unecasarily long lol), asus even does it in the rare case their previous coolers were too long. if they needed the coolers to be so big they wouldnt have included the 0rpm fan modes because the gpu wouldnt be able to take it due to out of control power consumption and leakage. It is a legitmate reason as it gives you more space for a fin array which means you can have slower and quieter fans as well as the fact some people prefer the long cards as they feel the need to overcompensate for things....
  • FlushedBubblyJock - Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - link

    that's quite the gigantic rambling set of excuses for amd's power hungry housefires...let's list
    1. good debut ! ( the giant heatsink debut apparently)
    2. takes a lot of engineeering .... ( since it's a gigantic housefire, YES)
    3. gigabyte always makes shorter cards ( not true but in any case it negates " lotsa engineeering !"
    4. 0rpm fan modes is why ! ( compensating for immense heat dissipation noise when not gaming)
    5. it's RARE coolers are too long, Asus knows. ( how amd fanboy speaks for asus too long coolers is unclear)
    6. so hot gpu wouldn't be able to take it ( great supporting amd fanboy, problem sounds like advantage)
    7. legitimate because longer = more fins, which makes longer legitimate ! (circular amd halo)
    8. slower and quieter fans (actually fanboy got 1 thing correct)
    9. overcompensation ( long cards are for little manlets says amd fanboy )


    You might deserve the amd fanboy diseembling and politician PR disaster award.

    Thank you mr Asomething.
  • D. Lister - Saturday, July 11, 2015 - link

    To be fair, for many if not most people, performance/watt is a lesser concern than performance/dollar. The Fijis do seem to have some minor power and thermal issues, but still if priced competitively (and supplied promptly), they may very well allow AMD to hang on until "Zen" and the eagerly awaited die-shrink.
  • nader_21007 - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    please tell me ryan, why you are not including 390X benches, since the GTX 980 sits between fury and 390X and we all now how close R9 390X is to the 980.
    Including it would have been much better than including a very old card like the GTX 580.
  • Ryan Smith - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    We have not yet reviewed the 390X at this time. That will be coming later this month.

    As for the GTX 580, that's something that I collected back for the GTX 980 Ti review, but the data is still valid since driver branches have not changed.
  • Oxford Guy - Saturday, July 11, 2015 - link

    It's important to put in a card like that for perspective. A lot of people are still using old cards.
  • Innokentij - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    Take a G1 gigabyte 980 and OC it, look at it smoke this overpriced AMD card. 40mhz OC? comeone.
  • nader_21007 - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    Everybody who decide a purchase should consider the image quality as a factor.
    There is a hard evidence in the following link, showing how inferior is the image of Titan X compared to Fury X.
    the somehow blurry image of Titan X, is lacking some details, like the smoke of the fire.
    If the Titan X is unable to show the full details, one can guess what other Nvidia cards are lacking.
    I hope such issues to be investigated fully by reputed HW sites, for the sake of fair comparison, and to help consumers in their investments.
  • nader_21007 - Friday, July 10, 2015 - link

    Here is the link:

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