Business/Content Creation Performance using Integrated Video

Using the onboard video solutions present in each one of these motherboards, we find that the story has changed quite a bit. No longer is the SiS solution dominated by every other chipset in the field; no, now the SiS 730S chip ranks as the highest Socket-A solution and the SiS 630S is the second fastest Socket370 solution. It seems that SiS can thank their SiS 300 integrated video controller for the sudden speed increase. The KM133 keeps right up with the SiS 730S, however, performing essentially identically to the SiS solution.

The Intel i815 chipset still performs on top of the Socket370 chipsets. The PM133 does not fall far behind, performing in a very similar manner to the i815. Perhaps the most shocking results come with the Aladdin TNT2 chipset, that performs extremely sub par compared to the rest of the solutions.


When relying on the integrated video solutions provided with each chipset, the chipsets all performed nearly identically, with only the KM133 falling slightly behind the rest. The exception to this trend, however, is the poor performance of the Aladdin TNT2 solution.

Again, we see many of the solutions performing virtually identically. All that is about to change...

The Real World System Test 3D Gaming Performance using Integrated Video
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